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Monday, September 20, 2010

5 Ways to Get Involved: Hunger Action Month 2010

For many of us, waging the war against hunger is an everyday battle. In support of Hunger Action Month, please read below and share the following to your network of friends and colleagues in an effort to gain strength as anti-hunger advocates!  Together we will make a difference.


5 Ways to Become Engaged

  1. Participate in the OASHF Paper Plate Project
There is no better way for our local legislators and the media to understand the hardships faced by millions of Ohioans than to hear from the Ohioans who are faced with making tough choices each and every day. To give a glimpse into the lives of what a staggering number of Ohioans are facing because of the Great Recession, the Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks is launching the Paper Plate Project! The Paper Plate Project is an opportunity for Ohioans to share their stories regarding their daily lives and the trails they are facing: giving a voice to those who feel they are not being heard. To learn how you can become involved, visit and select CALL TO ACTION or call 614/221-4336.

  1. Donate your time, talents and treasures
Join hands with your local foodbanks to donate your time, talents or treasures Ohio’s 12 Feeding America Foodbanks have each seen a substantial increase in the number of Ohioans turning to their doors in the face of strapped or completely exhausted resources. Due to the monumental number of Ohioans in need, there is a need for additional resources coming into the foodbanks.
Ways in which you can become involved include:
  • Volunteering for at least two hours at a local food pantry or soup kitchen.
  • Supporting your local foodbank by “liking” them on Facebook or becoming involved in community programs that are of interest to you enables your local foodbank to have a higher presence within your community.
  • For every $1 that is donated to the foodbank network, 5 meals can be purchased, which are returned to your community’s food pantries, soup kitchens and homeless shelters.
  • High protein, nutrient rich foods are always a necessity for all members of the emergency food network, including canned tuna and peanut butter.

  1. Become a trained Ohio Benefit Bank Counselor
The Ohio Benefit Bank is an Internet-based, counselor assisted service that connects low- and moderate-income families to tax credits and work supports. As a response to the declining economic plight facing thousands of Ohioans, The Ohio Benefit Bank connects individuals and families to the support they need where they live, work, play, and pray. By becoming a trained Ohio Benefit Bank Counselor, you will be able to help your friends and neighbors who are in need. To learn more about The Ohio Benefit Bank and how you can become involved, visit or call 614/221-4336.

  1. Hold a Food and Fund Drive
Did you know that millions of Ohioans visit the emergency food network each year? Did you know that for every $1 that is donated to the Ohio emergency food network, 5 meals can be purchased? To ensure that the needs of Ohioans are met, food and fund drives help local foodbanks distribute food to its network of member soup kitchens and food pantries right in your neighborhood! By setting up a food and fund drive, you will be helping your friends and neighbors who are in need of support during their times of need. To set up food and fund drive, visit

  1. Contact your local legislators
Our country was founded on three small, but powerful words, “We the people”! To ensure that your elected officials hear directly from those that they represent and who brought them to office, we encourage each and every Ohioan who is entrenched in the fight against hunger to call their legislator and say “The United States cannot cut its way out of a budget shortfall. Stand up and ensure that measures are taken to restore all dollars slated to be cut from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP Program) in 2014.” To contact your local Representative or Congressperson, visit  or call 1/800-648-1176 and ask for the direct number for your local legislator.