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Saturday, May 21, 2011

SaveNOW - A Financial Literacy Program that Pays!

I was on the Treasurer of State's website on Saturday morning and was reminded about this really neat program, details below. In sum, you open a Savings account with one of 4 banks (all Ohio banks) and the TOS send you financial education newsletters throughout the year. In the thirteenth month you complete a survey which magically turns in to an extra 3.25% interest on your money!

SaveNOW pays off

SaveNOW proves that savings pays off. Many Ohioans lack a savings safety net for life's unexpected events and expenses. The SaveNOW program is an easy, rewarding way to start building your savings and gain financial education.

What is SaveNOW?

SaveNOW is a higher interest savings account, which rewards savers with a 3.25% interest rate bonus. The Ohio Treasury partners with qualifying banks to offer Ohioans interest-earning savings accounts. Each applicant who opens an account receives a welcome letter from the Treasury and three financial education newsletters during a 12-month period. Ten months after opening an account, the participant will receive a financial literacy assessment survey. The survey must be completed in order to receive the bonus. The saver will receive a 3.25% interest rate bonus on the account’s average daily balance, approximately in the 13th month from opening an account.

SaveNOW has savers in 76 out of 88 counties throughout Ohio. Start today, don’t delay, To enroll in SaveNOW, please complete an application and open a SaveNOW savings account at one of our participating banks (see the list below).


SaveNOW encourages Ohioans to save a portion of their income, and then rewards them for doing it. More important, the program increases financial literacy by giving Ohioans access to relevant guidance and education.

How it can help

It is important for Ohioans to have resources when the unexpected happens. That improves their financial security, and bolsters the state’s financial health too.

Ohio Saves adds lasting benefits

The Ohio Treasury has a new and exciting partnership that benefits SaveNOW savers. Participants who enroll in the SaveNOW program will automatically be enrolled into Ohio Saves unless they decide to opt out.

Enrolling into Ohio Saves continues financial literacy. Ohio Saves motivates participants to gain control of their finances and develop saving strategies. It allows access to the America Saves newsletter. Ohio Saves is affiliated with America Saves.

For more information go to SaveNOW FAQ.

For more information about Ohio Saves please visit

Participating Banks:

PNC Bank

First National Bank

Wayne Savings Bank

CF Bank

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Guest post invitation

Have you ever wanted to share best practices at your site?  Tell everyone about an inspiring client story?  Share tips on volunteer management? Be a published author?

If you said YES to any of the above questions, we would love to have you guest post on our Central Ohio OBB Blog! 


  1. Length: Roughly 500 words (or less)
  2. Images: Include a picture or headshot of the author
  3. Style:  Use a writing styles that read more like an individual would talk as opposed to a press release.  Posts may be serious or humorous, as long as they are authentic, personal and transparent.
  4. Content: Other than what is mentioned above (stories, tips, etc) consider topics that are unique, authentic, and that can't be found anywhere else in the network.  Also make sure it caters to other sites and counselors, not clients in particular.
  5. Sources: Please give credit to any sources that you use, including links where appropriate.
  6. Layout: Make your content easy on a reader’s eyes. Bullet points, bolded sections and short paragraphs work best.
  7. Include a small biography for the footer of your post. You may include up to three links to your website or other media outlets.
  8. We reserve the right to edit/cut/reject your post before publishing, to help it fit with the voice and image of OBB and OASHF.

*Some of the guideline were based off this great post on the AmeriCorps Alums website, and Heather Huhman.

New counselor assessment - computer literacy

Have you ever wanted a way to make sure you volunteers would be a good fit for The Benefit Bank? It's hard to put into words what skills they may need, so we put it into an online assessment!  This is not meant to be the final word on whether someone should be a counselor, rather a tool to help someone realize if they possess the computer literacy need to be a successful counselor.

The test reveals a score at the end, and I believe getting a 75% or higher means the person would make a proficient counselor.  If someone gets below a 75% but they are able to explain their misunderstandings or willing to spend a little more time familiarizing themselves with basic internet skills, they should still be okay.

If you have any other aptitudes or skills you think are crucial, email Sarah (soligner with suggestions to this work in progress.

Drumroll please.... here it is!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Franklin County - New Agency Search Tool!

We received a press release about a great new website that acts as a search tool for agencies across Franklin County.  You can search by whatever service your client needs.  I picture OBB sites using this (for example) if you only handle disability issues but your client also needs housing help, you would head to this website for a quick reference of other housing/rent services.  Below is an excerpt of the press release. I wish every county in our region had a site like this!

A new web site that offers information on more than 70 local human service agencies, along with an online donation option.  Donors using the site will see 100 percent of their gift go directly to the agencies they choose to support.

The new Web site is sponsored by the Human Service Chamber of Franklin County.

“The new Web site is a great example of the power of one voice speaking for human services in Franklin County,” said Qiana Williams, Executive Director for the Human Service Chamber of Franklin County (HSCFC).  “ is a one-stop-shop for donors who are looking to support an agency that helps children, families, seniors or individuals.  Visitors to the site can learn what an agency does, choose what they want to support and then donate right there, online.”

The site includes information on more than 70 member agencies of the HSCFC.   Services provided by the agencies include meals-on-wheels for senior citizens, child care and after-school programs, food pantries, housing, services for people with developmental disabilities, as well as assistance to people with cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, AIDS, mental illness and addiction.  In addition, agencies provide help to people who have lost a job or home, among many other services.

The Human Service Chamber of Franklin County is an association of social service organizations in Franklin County dedicated to improving the quality of human services through collaboration, advocating for the needs of their clients, and impacting public policy.  The Chamber’s mission is to enhance system efficiencies and effectiveness in order to develop one voice for the human service system by promoting, enhancing, and advocating for human service organizations and the clients they serve in central Ohio.

Visit for more information and for a complete list of member agencies.