The Springfield Metropolitan Housing Authority was awarded a Housing and Urban Development-sponsored "Neighborhood Networks Center" grant, the result being a new Benefit Bank site in Clark County called Lincoln Park Neighborhood Center. The mission of this site is to improve computer access for Lincoln Park and SMHA residents, advance technical literacy, prepare residents for employment placement and advancement, and help bridge the digital divide for youth. The Neighborhood Networks Center will provide SMHA residents with access to computers and the Internet, job training and educational courses, and an additional setting for civic engagement and recreational opportunities. The Neighborhood Network Center will also provide increased opportunities to participate in new technology initiatives that are being planned for the Springfield community.
This new site was also the host of our most recent Clark County counselor training, so a big thank you to them for hosting!
They are located at 1900 Huron Avenue, Springfield, OH, 45505. Their main phone is 937.398.0611 and their appointment phone is 937.398.0612 or 937.398.0613. They are not open to the public, and use The Benefit Bank by appointment only.